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What is Stand Alone Power System?

What is Stand Alone Power System?

A Stand Alone Power System is an independent power supply like solar panels, batteries for energy storage and a back-up diesel generator. It operates individually from the electricity network of poles and wires which can be utilised to power Sydney homes and other types of business like accommodation, sheds, workshops and offices.

Benefits of Stand Alone Power Systems

  1. Gives flexibility and scalability. The modular design can be modified to suit different circumstances, locations and changing demands.

  2. Reduce power outages caused by powerline maintenance, weather, wildlife and vehicle issues

  3. Improve safety through removal of hazards that can be caused by poles and wires

  4. Decrease environmental effects. There is no need to access and maintain long corridors of vegetation around poles and wires

  5. Provide more reliable power to customers situated at the end of long and remote power lines

  6. Offers clean and sustainable energy through a system owned

  7. May in future, give customers a decrease in electricity costs through a discount on generation charges within their electricity bill.

  8. Upgrade flexibility during natural disasters. On-site electricity generation removes the need to rely on infrastructure that could be affected by natural disasters.

How Does Stand Alone Power Systems Work?

First, the solar panels generate electricity during daylight hours. Then the solar energy collected is being used to power your houses and charge their batteries. The battery gives power at night or when it is overcast for long periods of time. Also, a diesel generator provides back-up supply to the system.

Each stand alone power systems has:

  1. Ground-mounted solar panels

  2. Battery Energy Storage System

  3. A back-up generator

Power System

Renewable Energy Sources for Stand Alone Power Systems

Renewable power is flourishing as innovation lowers costs and starts to provide the promise of a clean energy future. Australian solar and wind generation are integrating the records and being added into the national electricity grid without sacrificing reliability. This means that renewables are progressively replacing “unclean” fossil fuels in the power sector which offer the advantage of lower emissions of carbon and other types of pollution. But not all sources of energy shown as “renewable” are beneficial to the environment. 

What is Renewable Energy?

It is also often referred to as clean energy, comes from natural sources or processes that are continuously restored. For example, sunlight and wind keep shining and blowing even though their availability relies on time and weather. While renewable energy is mostly thought of as a new technology, utilising nature’s power has long been used for heating, transportation, lighting and more. Wind has driven boats to sail the seas and windmills to grind grain. The sun has provided warmth during the day and helped ignite fires to last into the evening. But over the past 500 years or so, humans are increasingly turning to cheaper, dirtier energy sources like coal and gas. Now that we have innovative and more affordable ways to capture and keep wind and solar energy. The growth in renewables is also happening at large or small scales and, from giant offshore wind farms to rooftop solar panels on homes which can sell power back to the grid. Even entire rural communities all over other countries are relying on renewable energy for heating and lighting.

  1. From the old-fashioned windmills to today’s turbines as tall as skyscrapers. Turbines nearly as wide in diameter which stand at attention around the world. Wind energy powers up turbines’ blades which serves as an electric generator and produces electricity.

  2. Tidal and wave energy are still in the experimental and developmental phase, but the ocean will always be controlled by the moon’s gravity which makes use of its power a charming option.

  3. People have been utilising solar energy for thousands of years already to grow crops, stay warm and dry foods. According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, “more energy from the sun falls on the earth in one hour than is used by everyone in the world in one year.” Today, we use the sun’s rays in many ways like heating homes and businesses, to warm water and to power devices.

  4. Hydropower is the biggest renewable energy source for electricity in most countries, though wind energy is also soon expected to take over the top. Hydropower depends on water which is typically “fast-moving water” in large rivers or speedingly falling water from a high point and transforms the force of that water into electricity by spinning a generator’s turbine blades.

  5. Drilling deep wells provides very hot underground water to the surface as a hydrothermal resource which is then pumped up through a turbine to create electricity. Geothermal plants mostly have low emissions if they pump the steam and water they use back into the source. There are ways to create geothermal plants where there are not underground reservoirs but there are concerns raised that they may increase the risk of an earthquake in locations already considered as geological hot spots.

Stand Alone Power System Batteries Maintenance

  1. Your battery bank should be kept in a safe location to which only authorised people have access which for example are sheds or closets.

  2. If homeowners like you have a stand-alone system already put up at your home, the most beneficial thing you can do is keep a record of whatever you do to the batteries as well as the other system parts.

Solarwyse as a Partner for Stand Alone Power Systems

Solarwyse believes that knowledge is powerful. We offer inclusive education on solar energy including how it works, its advantages and its potential to innovate our energy landscape. Our resources cover everything that homeowners need to know about Solar and Inverter Energy. We encourage homeowners and communities to take control of their future by adapting to accessible and affordable solar solutions. Whether you're a homeowner, business owner or community organiser, Solarwyse offers customised consultations, system design services and financing options to help you transfer to clean and renewable solar power. 

Join us in the inverter and solar energy initiative with Solarwyse and be part of the energy revolution! 



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